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Christopher Harrington
Christopher Harrington

Buy Telescope Bristol [TOP]

Refracting telescopes have an objective lens at the front of the tube with the light emitting through the back of the tube to the eyepiece. Since many observations are made high in the sky, a right angle diagonal is used to avoid neck strain. This also provides an upright image making them suitable for terrestrial observations. A refractor has several advantages over other telescope designs. The tube is enclosed so that dust and moisture do not enter the tube, and they do not have a central obstruction which reduces the light entering the tube. A refractor typically will give higher quality images of planets than other telescopes of similar aperture.

buy telescope bristol

The roof of the Physics laboratory is home to a 25 cm optical telescope housed in its own dome. Thanks to a generous contribution from the class of 1965, this optical observatory was upgraded over the summer of 2015. The donation from the alumni covered half of the cost of the project, which included completely replacing the dome that houses the telescope as well as purchasing a new camera for the telescope.

The upgrade has converted the optical observatory to a robotic facility enabling remote operation by observers. Previously, students using the telescope were required to be physically present on the roof at night. Due to space and safety limitations, this meant that only a few students each year were able to use the telescope.

The new dome is motorised, allowing the dome to be opened and closed, and rotated by computer control. The same computer controls the telescope and with the aid of the new camera will be able to accurately point the telescope at an observing target, follow it as the Earth rotates, and take images and spectra.

The new camera includes a "guider" which uses bright stars in the image to lock the telescope into position so that it does not drift away from the target of the observation over time. This will allow students to image deep-sky objects (which are too faint to see in a short image) by taking long exposures, safe in the knowledge that the telescope will not drift during the exposure (which would blur the image).

One of our most important roles is to promote Astronomy as a hobby and there is no better way to do this than by providing the opportunity for you to view the heavens through a telescope. Stargazing events are very popular and are usually run at our Club Observatory located 5 miles to the south of Bristol between the months of October and March.

Please note. If you are a member of the Bristol Astronomical Society and would like to attend a Stargazing night do not book through Eventbrite. Simply e-mail of your intention to attend when the event has been confirmed as on.

Sky & Telescope is part of AAS Sky Publishing, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Astronomical Society. Sky & Telescope, Night Sky, and are registered trademarks of AAS Sky Publishing LLC.

West installed telescopes and a camera obscura, which were used by artists of the Bristol School to draw the Avon Gorge and Leigh Woods on the opposite side.[1] Many examples of these paintings can be seen in Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. The pictures which originated from images within the camera obscura he called 'photogenic drawing'[6] and were based on the work of William Fox Talbot.

The University of Rochester's C.E.K. Mees Observatory, devoted to teaching and public outreach in astronomy, is located 40 miles south of Rochester in the Bristol Hills (77o24'31.56" W, 42o42'01.0" N) at an elevation of 701 m (2260 ft). The Observatory houses a 61 cm (24 inch) Boller and Chivens Cassegrain reflector, dedicated May 8, 1965. The telescope's control and environmental systems have been kept up to date: most recently with a new Ash Dome, and with extensive upgrades to its DFM Engineering telescope/dome-control computer and operating system (2014). The Mees site enjoys very dark skies, with the best weather being encountered in the Summer and Fall months.

The Observatory is named after C. E. Kenneth Mees (1882-1960), longtime director of research at Eastman Kodak, in honor of his pioneering work in the development of sensitive photographic emulsions for use in astronomy. Its site on Gannett Hill includes the birthplace, and later the summer estate, of Frank E. Gannett (1876-1957), founder of the Gannett Newspapers. After Mr. Gannett's passing, the estate was donated to the University of Rochester by his wife Caroline Werner Gannett, for use as an observatory site. The Gannett family summer house now provides office space and sleeping quarters for the observers. The summit area adjacent to the estate, on which the telescope sits, was ceded to UR by Ontario County. Donations from the Mees family and the Eastman Kodak Company, and a grant from the National Science Foundation, paid for the telescope, dome and observatory building.

The Observatory is used heavily in the introductory (first-years and sophomore) undergraduate astronomy classes at UR. Each student in AST 111 and AST 142 spends at least two nights per semester using the telescope and CCD camera/spectrograph as part of the laboratory components of these courses. Undergraduate students also have the option have using Mees observations as part their advanced lab course, PHY 243, and in their senior thesis.

In partnership with the Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Sciences (ASRAS), we offer free tours of the Mees Observatory on Friday and Saturday nights during the months of June, July, and August. These tours are guided by a combination of senior ASRAS members, UR grad students and undergrads, and UR astrophysics faculty. The tours usually consist of an informational slide presentation about general astronomical topics, followed by the viewing of astronomical objects through the telescope. Though the tours are free, reservations are required, and can be arranged here.

Though most of the astrophysical research conducted by UR faculty and students involves much larger telescopes on high mountain sites or in space, the Mees Observatory still serves in a research role, providing complementary visible-light imaging and spectroscopy which is ancillary to our infrared imaging and spectroscopic surveys.

Daniel Valentine is a School of Physics and STFC funded postgraduate student at the University of Bristol working with Dr Wakeford to analyze and map the emission spectra of exoplanets using JWST. Daniel previously completed his MSci with the University of Leeds. email: Daniel dot valentine at

The Scenic TourOn May 8, 1965, the observatory was dedicated in honor of C. E. Kenneth Mees (1882-1960), the former Eastman Kodak director of research who had pioneered the development of sensitive emulsions for astrophotography. At the time of its dedication, Mees Observatory was reportedly the largest, best-equipped observatory east of the Mississippi. The dome houses a 61-centimeter Boller and Chivens reflecting telescope built by Perkin Elmer Corporation, the same firm that constructed the Hubble Space Telescope.

After the slide show, visitors either walk or drive the steep quarter-mile distance from the Gannett House up to the observatory building. In the gathering dusk, they enjoy the view from the observatory deck while tour guides boot the computers that aim the telescope. Remote from the glare of city lights and other sources of light pollution, the dark sky presents a spectacular vista.

Dantonio, has two telescopes, one which he operates from his home in Terryville and another which is set up at an observatory in Arizona that he feeds into his home computer. With these, he is able to capture clear images of nebulas and other distant objects in deep space. He has more than 7,500 subscribers on YouTube and shares links to his streams on town social media pages for people to join and watch along. Dantonio is also the chief photo and video analyst at MUFON (Mutual UFO Network).

Its crucial to the quality of the view seen through a telescope to have the optics inside accurately aligned. The process of aligning them is called collimation and is a task that with a little practice you will be performing with ease. Unfortunately though, it is something that you have to repeat over and over again, particularly if you move the telescope around to different observing sites as its very easy to jolt them back out of alignment.

Its much easier to collimate a reflecting telescope than a refracting telescope, the latter should really only be done if you are experienced. Best advice for this is to go along to your local astronomical society or astronomy shop to get assistance. In this section, I describe how you can collimate the optics in a standard reflecting telescope.

A slightly more expensive accessory is the laser collimator which also fit into the eyepiece holder. It sends a laser beam down the tube of the telescope and produces easy to see red dots of light which show up on the mirror surfaces. In a similar process to that outlined above its quick and easy to adjust the mirror orientation until the beam bounces down the telescope optics and back up into the laser device.

In response to COVID-19, the study team are currently combining working from home and our office in Bristol. If you have any questions about the study, please email or call the study mobile on 07929 771395 (Monday-Friday: Office Hours). We continue to keep in touch with study participants. The UK government website provides up to date information on COVID-19.

The first photograph of the sun was taken, rather surprisingly, five years after the first image of the moon. Astronomical photography evolved with the advances of film sensitivity and lens speed, leading us to the digital imaging revolution of today where good images of the moon can be taken with a phone held up to a telescope. 041b061a72


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