[An excerpt from the Journal of Eirios]
“It has been many a moon since I was able to find the time to write words of my own, and not words of another or words for another. Funny, isn’t it; how for so long we can exist and see things in a way, and then one day- one brief moment in time can change the course of our lives altogether. When first I peered into the time stream I was… suffice to say, horrified. I saw so many things I did not understand. I saw so many things that simply could not be possible or at the very least ought not be so… Young as I may be relative to the lives of Mortals I question how they could so blissfully endeavor to live on unknowing of the dangers that might befall them every- single- day.
Still, though I understand our laws both of Dragon kind as a whole and more specifically for us White Dragons, I cannot- and will not abide while the world we call home is held together so tenuous as it is! No- Serendrios be damned- I will break every law we dragons hold true if it means seeing the future preserved. It is selfish, yes; for I do not do this for Mortal kinds benefit… but for the benefit of myself and my brothers and sisters. I pray they will at least understand…
I endeavored to right three catastrophic wrongs this past day: The rise of the mad tyrant Levistus of the Gilded Fist- fanatical Mezeelite that he was. His course would have seen at least half of Alterra put under an authority the likes of which the mortal races have scarcely seen before. The wrongful imprisonment of the pioneer craftswoman Daydrim, who will in the years to come bring the secrets of Astralcrafting to the mortal races. And finally, though it pains to say… the destruction of an apostate faction of mages and ritualists who were hell bent on my own eradication for fear of what my efforts might do to the timeline. No- I am right. I am just in my course! I know I am… I have to be… I do admit there is risk that my future self may become the end of this new direction the timeline has taken. But I would rather risk myself than see so many larger, more difficult to contest issues be what ends this world.
The mortals I met… I wonder why our laws forbid direct assistance and integration with them. I know still some of my kind infiltrate and hold positions all around Alterra. Regardless, yes, they did seem quite apprehensive about my being a Dragon- and understandably about the cost of the Chronomancy I employed to assist them. But if my peering into the time stream taught me anything about these Mortals, it is that they cannot be given too much information up front, lest they get hung up on it and lose sight of the bigger picture at hand. A shame but a necessary evil.
I know that even now the actions I have taken have left no small ripple to the waters of time and Serendrios at least will be hunting for me… save to say anything of Alendrios or Kistariel- though I’d doubt they would heed his call anyway. Funny how unforeseen events can yield a boon- I had not foreseen the chaotic nature of some of the Mortals to reduce the mages cavernous sanctuary to rubble… So here I lay low, deep beneath Aurena’Sendol, where hopefully there is enough magical static to mask my presence and feed me while I plan my next efforts.
It… will be some time before I am strong enough to do so, however. I interfered on behalf of those Mortals more than even I had anticipated to do… and I over strained my Radiance exhaustively. They are a strong bunch- and I know more like them exist. More heroes- more vagabonds- more who follow paths both noble and ignoble. They will have to band together for the tasks I have seen to come if they have even the slightest hope to prevail.
Hm.. hope.. We often consider that a foolish Mortal whimsy left to those of fleeting lifespans… yet I hold hope in my heart even now that they will rise to the challenge ahead… lest Alterra fall to nothing. Funny how the Mortal races can influence even a dragon such as myself. I wonder- is this why our laws forbid our direct interference…
I shall end this entry here- I’ve much studying to do. Time, so ironically for me, is of the essence. I hope to find the time to record my thoughts again before long. But until that time arrives..."